Azazael Admin replied

566 weeks ago

My awesome Tebowing is being hidden by sexy lens flare! Turns out when you are right infront of a big robot, and he dies, there is a big explosion. The More You Know!!! (kill on May 8th)

Yijios replied

565 weeks ago

Deleted 565 weeks ago by Azazael

Paul Bethea replied

202 weeks ago

I appreciate playing the pubg download to such an extent. I can't generally make reference to any issues I've had by and by aside from possibly programmers. You can see them bounce noticeable all around starting from the earliest stage, past the destroyed plane on produce island inside seconds in addition to other things. I praise everything else with respect to the game turn of events and cool updates. One thing I imagine that might be valuable, is an approach to change your status when in the entryway. For instance: in case I'm in the game however I have to bounce into an instructional course to alter my specs, yet I would prefer not to experience the entirety of my online companions and separately message them to mention to them what I'm doing AND likewise don't need them believing I'm simply dismissing their welcomes, I could change my status to something default like "Occupied" or "Don't Disturb" or have a 15-20 character custom message like "BRB folks!" or "Give me 10 mins!" or "preparing room 10 mins.". was amazing and incredible! Ive been on this application for around 2 years now and its the best! It would be pleasant if there were more quantum characters and more storylines on the grounds that ive compleated it every one of the, One issue however, it wont allow me to refresh, it said that I have to refresh the game yet the google play store wont let me. What would it be a good idea for me to do?
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